I am Janine Avila, I am the Corner Coach® My passion is helping others with a can-do attitude, and positive spirit. I believe you should LOVE what you do and truly enjoy your life and work.  I want to be in your corner of the ring as a resource, motivator, and support system. Whether you are starting a business, wanting to build your profits, or need help with general life skills like time management and organization. I design a program customized to your specific needs and push you to meet your goals and reach your full potential.

I raised 7 children as a single mother and have been a Business Coach and Speaker for more than 30 years. As a single Mom I wanted to make the best of my situation I educated myself in areas I was weak and learned the skills I needed and figured out the resources I needed to not just survive but thrive. 

I took countless seminars, read amazing books and surrounded myself with intelligent and caring mentors that helped me hone my organization and time management skills. I wanted to control my time, and I wanted to decide how and where I would spend it. I became a full time Entrepreneur early in life. I always loved making my own money and being my own boss.

Although I have expertise in both corporate executive roles and home-based business building, my passion is sharing what I have learned with others to save them time, money and most importantly the heartbreak of a struggling Teen or a failing business. I am available for Corner Coaching ® in the following areas.   

  • The Avilaunch - Program Entrepreneur Startups or Reset

  • Home office Set up for Success 

  • Communication Skills   

  • The Joy of Networking  

  • Client/Customer Loyalty & Retention and Sales 

  • Overcoming Distractions and Disorganization

  • Teen Coaching- A Corner Coach for your teen!  

A Little About Me

What I Can Help You Do

  • Set up your workspace for maximum efficiency and profit. Then, Develop a Customized Plan for your individual goals and current situation.

  • Implement Follow-up Formulas that work and will have your customers and prospects calling you back and taking your calls.

  • Communicate more effectively with Family/Friends and Clients/Customers.

Who I Primarily Work With

I work with Home Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Athletes, Working Parents, Business Travelers, and Single Parents to create the skills needed to succeed whether it be in a service industry, sports, direct sales or network marketing.


Happiness is an inside job

Happiness is an inside job ☺


Why I Do It

I developed a passion for teaching people to work from home and for themselves because I care about people and families. I love to see parents at home, raising their own children rather than paying someone else to do it. Over the course of my own career, I developed a strong set of skills that I am able to teach others, so they too can have peaceful, profitable home-based businesses and have the time to spend with their families doing what they love.